The clock struck at 11:30 noon. Stomach began to tremble and shout shows that the time for recharging with a plate of rice. Without this command, immediately leave the foot of the seat to the table. The hood has been lifted and uuupppss what i've seen behind it .... it does not appear any dish ... what the hell is this. (Sticky note on the fridge just written "shopping").? I hurried walk toward the kitchen turns out it was just .. well .. had a desire for this lunch should be delayed, again went to the computer desk is being accidentally eye view .. foodstand was lined up across the street and shops lined the sidewalk was licensed which offers fun their trade.I don't want anything else, my stomach rebelled, with one leap I was about to cross the road lane. Vehicle traffic lines like the African wild buffalo endless march, while waiting for the looseness of these vehicles,i had fouled up a cigarette, blowing up the four had also interrupted my cross to keep waiting and did not feel half the cigarettes had left but this leg has not moved. Nothing was running out cigarettes, from afar speeding bus overtaking a truck loaded with sand that went creeping, here's a chance to cross as soon as the bus pass in front of my nose with a leap three times I came in the middle of the road barrier. Just steps away from the belly is going silent. But what happened is still stuck in roadblock and can not be done until the following leap across. Waited and waited for the vehicle from the opposite direction decreases i have to constrained another cigarette into an outlet. Heat makes the sweat began to appear. not how long before the vehicle began to decline a good opportunity, with little running I also finally got across to enjoy lunch.
But this is not the end of the story, to go across I had to waste time and a half minutes. Arriving at the house this eye looking back to the driveway. What makes me have to wait long to cross, was the answer is so much the volume of traffic especially motorcycles. Yes this bike because of the complexity and congestion that occurred in Indonesia, he has become the new silent killer (57 thousand accidents in the year 2007/Data from Department of Transportation). An amount close to 45 million users a motorcycle (with an average increase of 20% per annum / Data from Transport Department). it has 30 to 50 years of natural resources of our oil and gas sector would be depleted. So easy you get a motorcycle, I do not know where cheaper hotel rates with 1 night deposit of a motor. Yes, with approximately 70 institutions and credit guarantee ownership of the motor is no doubt that we are actually consuming countries to private transport.
Whereas in developed countries would use more preferred means of transportation by using public transportation is definitely better start from the service, comfort, kindness to punctuality. So many subway or busway with the criteria that I mentioned above makes the users of transport in developed countries prefer public service than private transport, like trains sinkanzen in Japan, the TGV in France, the Korean KTX at several times speed meter than ArgoBromo train(not to mention the pickpockets and hold-up man who hung on the economy train).
As for the use of motorcycles in Indonesia, we are the third largest consumer after China and India.
To show that 3,6-3,7 million estimated motorcycle users (Data from Department of Transportation). User that has not four-wheeled private vehicles.
To show that 3,6-3,7 million estimated motorcycle users (Data from Department of Transportation). User that has not four-wheeled private vehicles.
It is tempting vehicle tax revenues the government as an example in East Java last year alone income reached USD 5.970 trillion. But what the government then closed his eyes letting ATPM sell merchandise and we only give our throats gets into the hands of underwriters to strangulation. (For some reason insufficient for the prestige it can boast a new motor if the credit is calculated in full equal to 2 motors to buy the same ).
Government should also highlight this more, not to provide cheap transportation, convenient and more time enhancing the community work than the people who must bear the burden of government by looking for cheap transportation that can not be considered cheap, source of pollutants and prone to congestion and accidents .. .
Even I do not recommend my families using private transportation, and more likely to use public transport, are occasionally amusing, if anyone asks me why not buy a car or motorcycle? Let me just respond saving gas to my children and grandchildren , who knows at the time that function not replaced with another fuel ...
And for now let all goes according to their reasoning .....
And for now let all goes according to their reasoning .....

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