A strange flying object or Unidentified flying objects (UFO) hovering over an apartment in Jalan Pakubuwono or near Blok M, South Jakarta, a few days ago.
UFO allegedly objects aka a flying saucer was photographed by a citizen who refused to exposed his identity. Photos are accepted via Facebook ,Warta Kota, Thursday (15/10).
According to the photographer, the object is not accidentally caught by the camera. At that time he was taking photographs of the apartment building at Jalan Pakubuwono VI, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, from the car.
When shots carefully observed, there were stranged objects floating above the apartment. When the image of an unusual shape object is enlarged, it looks like a plate with a number of windows at the bottom, like flying saucers in science fiction films.
UFO allegedly objects aka a flying saucer was photographed by a citizen who refused to exposed his identity. Photos are accepted via Facebook ,Warta Kota, Thursday (15/10).
According to the photographer, the object is not accidentally caught by the camera. At that time he was taking photographs of the apartment building at Jalan Pakubuwono VI, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, from the car.
When shots carefully observed, there were stranged objects floating above the apartment. When the image of an unusual shape object is enlarged, it looks like a plate with a number of windows at the bottom, like flying saucers in science fiction films.
However, when Warta Kota examined, this picture was no had metadata. Until last night there has been no official statement about the authenticity of the photo. Could it really a UFO ?
Last night, Head Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) Adi Sadewo Salatun says know about the rumors of UFO sightings in Jakarta from the mass media. However, Salatun also said that the appearance of foreign space objects is difficult to identify.
"The appearance of such objects that are difficult to identify. It depends on the situation allows, it can be detected or not, for example, accidentally caught in a visual form, as often happens during this, "he said.
"All this time, if there is a report about foreign objects, we immediately investigate the truth, such alleged fall of meteors in Bone, Sulawesi, last week. In events like that, people generally do not provide a formal report to Lapan and the news circulated in the media only, "said Adi.
Meanwhile, Mohammad Irvan, activists from Ufonesia (UFO observers community), claimed to have seen the photo. According to him, during 2009, reports of UFO's beta less than in 2008. "The last report came from Bandung, precisely in Dago. But it can not we expect as a UFO, we are still in doubt, "he said in a conversation with Warta Kota, last night.
Irvan said, to determine a foreign object in the sky as a UFO, needs further observation. The reason could be the object is a plane or light bias.
"First to see photos or video. The most basic is the observation with the eyes of ordinary people and ordinary thinking, whether it is really an object (UFO) or dust on the camera lens, "he explained.
If the strange thing is reasonably suspected UFOs, the findings will be discussed by fellow researchers ufologi. Irvan also said that if witnesses in UFO cases Blok M is more than one person, then further investigation can be done.
Earlier on Thursday (8 / 10) afternoon, residents in Bone, South Sulawesi, were startled by an explosion in space which was preceded by the light of the fire that moves quickly and leaves a thick smoke.
Residents could expect an explosion of light and it comes from airforce Sukhoi aircraft that exploded in the air. However, the airforce denied and said no Sukhoi passing Bone on that day.
Nur Augustine, activists Community Beta-UFO, some time ago stated that the UFO sightings often occur in the three cities, namely Jakarta, Bandung, and Cirebon. Therefore, the UFO Community Beta called it the area with the term UFO Triangle in Indonesia.
In 2000, Beta-UFO receive reports from Cirebon on a six-year-old boy who was kidnapped UFO. The boy was separated from his friends when headed home after playing in the cane garden . Later, the boy whose name was kept secret admitted to play with five strange creatures scaly body.
According to the boy, he only briefly played with the fifth such strange creatures. However, her family frantically because the boy two weeks away. Nur Augustine also noted that the UFO is usually shown when the Earth is experiencing natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, the mountain erupted, and the storm.
On its website, Beta-UFO Community stated that during the year 2007 there are 32 reports of beta-UFO sightings in Indonesia that 11 of them occurred in the Jakarta area. Some of them are not in the form of light. Meanwhile, throughout 2008 there were recorded 34 reports of UFO sightings-beta from all over Indonesia and 13 of them occurred in the Jakarta area.
In January 2006, Yudi, residents from Pondokgede, Bekasi, said she saw five beams of light in the sky. At that time, Yudi was relaxing with his family. The same experience happened Riyogarta Luwiyana, citizens Bintaro, Tangerang, as set out in this blog.
On March 26, 2006, while on his way to a restaurant in Bintaro, Riyogarta and his wife saw a strange object in the sky. They will have a short tail and green glittered.
Meanwhile, in December 2008, a citizen Petukangan, South Jakarta, recording a number of points of light in the sky moving fast. The videotape was sent and broadcast on a television station. Responding to these recordings, researchers Lapan, Sri Loka Prabotosari, states can not ensure that foreign objects.
Jufri (38), Petukangan citizen, admitted the phenomenon record and upload to YouTube. Jufri witnessing the bizarre phenomenon with his friends. At that time, they were burning the bbq in court when a beam of light in certain formations moving in space.
Update :
After doing some research I found that the news was hoax ....
because there's similiar image on UFO sightings in wisconsin U.S. and again the image does not have metha data as well as sent by someone who does not want to be named...

ReplyDeletejust a short comment on your post. The Jakarta fieldcoordinator Edy Susanto from BETA-UFO told me he called Nur Agustinus when reading about his suggestion that there is a UFO triangle on Java. Reportedly, Nur was quite surprised as he never made this claim. He did say many of the reports came from these three cities, but there might be reasons other than a "triangle" for this. To my knowledge (which was last updated approx 2 months ago) BETA-UFO does NOT support the Cirebon-Jakarta-Bandung triangle theory.
(Ow and you spelled Nur's name wrong ;) )
regards Jessie